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Welcome to

Radio Sentinelle




we are one big christian family so no matter what you have gone through, you are welcome here. We look forward to having you tune in to our station and sharing the good news with you. Thank you for joining us and we hope to have you as part of our family.


Our Mission

We are a christian radio station that broadcasts uplifting and encouraging music, news, and biblical messages. We believe in bringing glory to God through our music, and providing a place where people can be inspired and encouraged in their daily lives

Our mission is to provide our listeners with a radio station filled with songs, stories, and talks that will strengthen and uplift them in their faith. We want to create an atmosphere of encouragement, joy, and hope through the power of music, news, and scripture.

Our Podcast

                      Listen to Our Radio Station
Radio SentinelleListen Now
00:00 / 01:04

You can listen to our radio station by streaming it live. We hope to provide you with a place where you can be inspired and motivated to share the gospel to the world.

So join us in our mission to spread the gospel and be an encouragement to others. Thank you for being part of our radio station.




 Remember this: Whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows generously will also reap generously. Each of you should give what you have decided in your heart to give, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.

2 Corinthians 9:6-7

Radio Sentinelle Haiti 93.9 FM

Delmas 77 Rue Praslin #13



+509 28 13 54 45 

+509 28 13 54 46


We are on TuneIn 

Audionow: +1 605 468 5819




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©2024 by Radio Sentinelle Haiti 93.9 FM. 

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